Three Moments When You Should Call Us for Deck Washing

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Decks are a great spot in your home for gathering with friends and creating memories. To keep your home’s deck looking as new as possible, check out our deck washing service. This process removes mildew, mold, stains, and other bothersome substances that affect the appearance of your deck.

Three Moments When You Should Call Us for Deck Washing

Here are three moments when you should consider reaching out to our team for deck washing.

  1. After a Big Cookout or Party. Sharing a meal with loved ones and hosting fun activities can make for a moment to remember. However, the clean-up is rarely as fun. Nevertheless, softwashing your deck is necessary after a big event to avoid a buildup of grime that can attract pests and damage your deck’s surface.
  1. Seasonal Changes. Rain or shine, the changing weather patterns can have a harmful effect on your house deck. Rain can cause biomatter to grow on your surface while sunlight can cause its color to fade. Softwashing your house deck helps remove these substances and makes protective coatings last longer so your deck stays looking as good as new.
  1. Routine Maintenance. With time, your deck is likely to lose its shine due to a variety of reasons. That’s why it’s important to keep up with its maintenance. Doing so will allow you to maintain a safe and comfortable space.

Softwashing is a gentle cleaning process that curbs the chances of surface damage, which other cleaning processes, like pressure washing, can cause. Contact us today if you want to learn more about our deck washing service.